Cleaner Air, Healthier Life: Optimize Indoor Air Quality With Duct Maintenance
According to a recent study by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, air pollution is, on average, the greatest worldwide threat to human health: more than smoking, alcohol, or any other external health hazard. This is because poor air quality can contribute to everything from allergies to asthma to major, life-threatening conditions […]
Breathe Easy: 5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Home
Studies have repeatedly confirmed that air quality is a major contributor to human health and wellness. That’s why it’s essential we pay attention to not just the outdoor environment but indoor air quality as well. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, impurities in the air we breathe are major contributors to health conditions […]
Extend Your Furnace’s Life Span With Professional Maintenance Services
You wouldn’t dream of neglecting the maintenance on your car, knowing that doing so could lead to a breakdown at an extremely inopportune moment. Why, then, do so many people avoid regular furnace maintenance, knowing the stakes are just as high? Think about it: if your furnace fails to do its job during freezing weather, […]
How Cooling Services Can Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
It’s no secret that human health is directly tied to air quality. Since Americans spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, that means maintaining healthy indoor air quality is vital for everyone. And nowhere is it more important than at home, where people spend most of their time. How do you do this? It […]
It’s Not Too Late for an Air Conditioning Install
Attempting to endure a long, hot summer without a functioning air conditioner can be a serious slog. The same is true if your home has an air conditioner that does work but not optimally. As we approach the last months of the summer, many homeowners wonder if they should give up on dreams of a […]
5 Benefits of Annual AC Maintenance
Any mechanical system needs regular maintenance, and your air conditioner is no different. You wouldn’t dare skip out on bringing your car in for its regular oil changes—knowing what the consequences of doing so could be—so why neglect your air conditioner? It’s as simple as an online search for “AC maintenance near me.” Remember that […]
Hot and Cold Spot Solutions for Your Home
Do you have a room in your home that always feels hotter or colder than the rest? If so, you are not alone. Hot and cold spots are a very common issue we see, and there are several different reasons for why this might be happening. Knowing the cause is the key to the solution. […]
The “Whats” and “Whys” of Ductless Air Conditioning
First of all, many of you might be wondering: what is a ductless AC system? It is just how it sounds, a unit that cools air sans ductwork. As ductwork installation is expensive, a ductless system is ideal for a home or business that has no existing ducts. The difference between a standard system and […]
Home Tips for Spring Allergy Relief
Spring has sprung and for most people it is a welcome relief from dreary winter weather. For others, though, winter was the reprieve and springtime ushers in the agony of allergy season. The onset of spring increases the output of pollen from trees, grass, and weeds, not to mention the wrath of hay fever. Seasonal […]
Narrow Down Your Spring Cleaning Checklist
Springtime is here! The birds are singing, the weather is warm and your spring to-do list is a mile long! You are not alone, wintertime brings with it many challenges, one being that it is difficult to stay on top of our home maintenance when the winds and weather are so unforgiving. Now that warm […]